Presentations I have delivered at conferences and workshops.

Mobile Attribution
Presentation for Think Performance Hong Kong. Presented 2014-10-13. Best practices for digital measurement, and an introduction to cross-device attribution reports in Google Analytics.
Building Customer Profiles - Move from Clicks to Faces
Presentation for Google Analytics User Conference Australia. Presented 2014-09-11. Web analytics tools are great for investigating user behaviour - however traditionally it doesn't give us the full face of the user. We look at how we can start to put a face to our users by using Google Analytics' demographic reports.
Measuring Beyond the Last Click
Presentation for Think with Google Indonesia. Presented 2013-07-03. This presentation walks through moving beyond last-click attribution and harnessing Google Analytics' Attribution Modeling Tool to establish your ideal digital media mix.
Multi Touch Attribution & Attribution Modeling
Presentation for Google Analytics User Conference Australia. Presented 2013-06-20. This presentation walks through moving beyond last-click attribution and harnessing Google Analytics' Attribution Modeling Tool to establish your ideal digital media mix.
Overcoming the Seduction of Data - AlphaTerra Digital Marketing Conference
Presentation for AlphaTerra Digital Marketing Conference (Indonesia). Presented 2012-11-20. In this talk I outline a 5-step process for setting up an actionable framework for measuring digital KPIs and goals.
5 steps to measurement success - gThailand
Presentation for gThailand (a Google event). Presented 2012-10-25. Presenting a 5-step process for making the most out of your digital marketing data.
Measuring your way towards a successful application -  Google Developer Group DevFest Kuala Lumpur
Presentation for Google Developer Group DevFest Kuala Lumpur Presented 2012-10-04 This talk covers the ways developers and product managers can leverage measurement practices to grow their user base. We look at identifying and tracking the right KPIs and goals. Then we explore implementing advanced Google Analytics features to track meaningful goals.
Navigating Uncertainty through Data
Presentation for Navigating Uncertainty through Datar. Presented 2012-09-27. Navigating Uncertainty through Data. Navigate a Black Swan or Coconut Uncertainty environment using digital data resources. The keys to navigating a rapidly evolving digital landscape is to successfully measure, gain insights from the wisdom of the crowd, hypothesize, test, rinse, and repeat.
TEDx Johnson & Johnson - Building Great User Experience with Data
Presentation for TEDx Johnson & Johnson. Presented 2012-04-01. A talk I gave at Johnson & Johnson's internal TEDx conference. I cover how digital data sources can be used to gain powerful insights to aid with product design and user experience.
WAN-IFRA Digital Media Asia 2011 - Owning Great Content: A Data-Driven Approach
Presentation for WAN-IFRA Digital Media Asia. Presented 2011-11-23. We introduce tools such as Google Analytics, Google Website Optimizer, Google Insights for Search, and Doubleclick Ad Planner, and show how they can be used to identify the right approaches for capturing loyal readers and visitors.
Owning a Great Blog: A Data-Driven Approach - Kopdar 1000 Blogger Nusantara (Indonesia)
Presentation for Kopdar 1000 Blogger Nusantara .Presented 2011-10-30. This presentation looks at how you can use Google's freely available data-oriented tools to help create great content, attract the right visitors, and improve the user experience. This presentation was given to an audience of 1300 bloggers at the Kopdar 1000 Blogger Nusantara conference held in Sidoarjo, Indonesia.
NTU MBA - Data-Driven Insights
Presentation for Nanyang Technological University's MBA class. Presented 2011-10-15. This covers how one can make use of Google's data-driven solutions to understand their customers and attempt to predict trends. We cover Google Analytics for understanding on-site behaviour, Google Insights for Search for understanding search behaviour, and DoubleClick Ad Planner for understanding demographic and interest information.
GTUG Philippines - Implementing Google Analytics
Presentation for GTUG Philippines. Presented 2011-10-11. Covers how GA works, and how to implement GA's advanced tracking features.
GoMeasure with Google Analytics - 14 - 12 for 2012 - Vinoaj Vijeyakumaar
Presentation for GoMeasure with Google Analytics . Presented 2011-10-06. Vinoaj Vijeyakumaar outlines 12 things you should do today to get yourself measurement and conversion ready for 2012.
DevFest Chiang Mai - Implementing Google Analytics
Presentation for Implementing Google Analytics .Presented 2011-09-30. This presentation covers how to implement Google Analytics' advanced tracking features, including: event tracking, social plugin tracking, custom variables, page load time tracking, mobile site tracking, iOS and Android application tracking, and campaign variables.
DevFest Kuala Lumpur - Implementing Google Analytics
Presentation for DevFest Kuala Lumpur. Presented 2011-09-30. This presentation covers how to implement Google Analytics' advanced tracking features, including: event tracking, social plugin tracking, custom variables, page load time tracking, mobile site tracking, iOS and Android application tracking, and campaign variables.
GoMeasure - 12 for 2012
Presentation for GoMeasure Conference (Singapore & Malaysia). Presented 2011-09-09. Outlines 12 things you should do today to get yourself measurement and conversion ready for 2012.
Google Analytics for the Digital Developer
Presentation for GTUG Singapore & Sydney. Presented 2011-06-16. Practical Google Analytics tips for the digital developer.
Google Analytics for Developers: GTUG KL Edition
Presentation for GTUG Kuala Lumpur. Presented 2011-05-04. Slides from my talk given to the Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) chapter of the Google Technology User Group (GTUG). The talk covered how to use Google Analytics to track websites and applications.
4 Steps to Measurement Success - DigitalNow: FMCG
Presentation for Google DigitalNow FMCG. Presented 2011-03-25. Covers 4 steps for measurement success, focusing on web analytics and Google Analytics.
Shaping the Funnel
Presentation for Google Analytics Master Class events (Singapore & Malaysia). Presented 2011-03-12. Covers a case study from Amari Hotels about using GA funnel visualization reports to increase site conversions.
Singapore Google Technology User Group Meetup 5
Presentation for Singapore Google Technology User Group Meetup. Presented 2010-08-19. Unscrew the nuts and bolts behind Google Analytics and discover how GA works.
Google Analytics Master Class Singapore: Shaping the Funnel
Presentation for Google Analytics Master Class Singapore. Presented 2010-04-01. Learn how Amari Hotels used Google Analytics goal funnel reports to optimise their online sales flow to generate more reservations.
Google Analytics New Features - Webinar
Presented for Google Analytics Webinar. Presented 2009-10-30. Google Analytics recently announced a new set of features which builds on last year's enterprise-class feature launch. Some of these will add power to existing capabilities, like the ability to track mobile websites/apps and using an advanced table filter to perform data analysis.
Generating Data Driven Insights
Presentation for Consumer Marketing Insights Event by Google Thailand. Presented 2009-08-29.
Google Maps for Your Business
Presentation for Consumer Marketing Insights Event by Google Thailand. Presented 2009-08-28.
RIAction Social Applications in the Cloud
Presented for RIAction. Presented 2009-02-25. Gadgets and Social Applications With OpenSocial